Home General Information Accommodation
*Click on them to check the distance using Google Maps
*Click on them to check the distance using Google Maps
The official hotel for the FISU WUC Handball 2024 is:
Antequera Hills Hotel
Sport venues | Approximate time from the hotel (walking) |
Polideportivo Fernando Argüelles Antequera | 10′ |
Pabellón Agustín Rodríguez Antequera | 1′ |
Unless there is bad weather, no transportation will be provided because the distances are relatively short.
The official hotel for the international referees attending the FISU WUC Handball 2024 is:
Lozano Hotel
Sport venues | Approximate time from the hotel (by car) |
Polideportivo Fernando Argüelles Antequera | 8′ |
Pabellón Agustín Rodríguez Antequera | 8′ |
According to the official schedule, transportation to and from the venues will be provided for the international referees.